Desktop Wallpapers

desktop wallpaper - "merciful"
desktop wallpaper - "mirror"
desktop wallpaper - "salaam"
desktop wallpaper - "mercy"
desktop wallpaper - "benefit"

Display Posters

UTM MSA IAW poster - "Confession"
poster for UTM MSA's IAW - "Women of Islam"
poster for University of Toront MSA's IAW - "Monotheism"

Event Posters

MYNA Summer Camp 2006
virtues of confidence flyer

Shirt Designs

shirt design 503 clothing - "words are weapon"
shirt design for 503 clothing - "tribe of adam"
shirt design for 503 clothing line - "Muslim"
shirt design for 503 clothing - "perfection"
shirt design for 503 clothing- "fit for you"

Logo Design

logo2 for 503 clothing line
color logo design for 503 clothing
logo design for 503 Clothing Line

Event Posters

flyer for UfT and UTSC MSA's National Hijab Day
flyer for QMAJD's the Covenant Awaits -- BOC promo event
a flyer created for YM's GBII

Event Posters

flyer for the epic one-day conference held by QMajd and ICNA YM

flyer/poster created for Al-Maghrib seminar

A recent flyer for a fund-raising dinner held by Al-Falah Islamic Centre